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Rare, out of print postcards of Mexican Masks. Published in Mexico by the original, long closed, and lately reopened and relocated, Museo Nacional de Artes e Industrias Populares. Each card features a color photo of one mask, with a detailed identification of origin, dance, and materials, and the Museo's name and vacated Av. Juarez address on the back. Of interest to mask collectors, fans of the old Museo, or postcard collectors. Very limited quantities.
 |  |  |  |  |  | C. Mayo - Pascola

|  | A. Cora - Judio [sold]

|  | B. Purepecha - Diablo [sold]

|  |  |  |  |  |  |  | D. Nahuatl - Pilatos [sold]

|  | E. Zoque - Patron [sold]

|  | F. Nahuatl - Tlacololero [sold]

|  |  |  | Detail - reverse of card

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